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The CSSSupportsRule interface describes an object representing a single CSS @supports at-rule. It implements the CSSConditionRule interface, and therefore the CSSRule and CSSGroupingRule interfaces with a type value of 12 (CSSRule.SUPPORTS_RULE).
API CSSOM Interface Reference Référence


The DOMImplementation interface represent an object providing methods which are not dependent on any particular document. Such an object is returned by the Document.implementation property.
API DOM Interface Reference Référence


The DOMTimeStamp type represents an absolute or relative number of milliseconds, depending on the specification in which it appears.
API DOM Interface Reference Référence


The DOMTokenList interface represents a set of space-separated tokens. Such a set is returned by Element.classList, HTMLLinkElement.relList, HTMLAnchorElement.relList or HTMLAreaElement.relList. It is indexed beginning with 0 as with JavaScript Array objects. DOMTokenList is always case-sensitive.
API DOM Interface NeedsBrowserCompatibility Reference


The Event interface represents any event of the DOM. It contains common properties and methods to any event.
API DOM Event Interface Reference


EventTarget is an interface implemented by objects that can receive events and may have listeners for them.
API DOM DOM Events Interface


The FormData interface provides a way to easily construct a set of key/value pairs representing form fields and their values, which can then be easily sent using the XMLHttpRequest.send() method. It uses the same format a form would use if the encoding type were set to "multipart/form-data".
API FormData Interface Reference XMLHttpRequest


The HTMLAnchorElement interface represents hyperlink elements and provides special properties and methods (beyond those of the regular HTMLElement object interface they also have available to them by inheritance) for manipulating the layout and presentation of such elements.
API HTML DOM Interface Reference


The HTMLAreaElement interface provides special properties and methods (beyond those of the regular object HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating the layout and presentation of area elements.
API HTML DOM Interface Reference


The HTMLHeadElement interface contains the descriptive information, or metadata, for a document. This object inherits all of the properties and methods described in the HTMLElement interface.
API HTML DOM Interface Reference


The HTMLIFrameElement interface provides special properties and methods (beyond those of the HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating the layout and presentation of inline frame elements.
API HTML DOM Interface Reference


The HTMLSelectElement interface represents a <select> HTML Element. These elements also share all of the properties and methods of other HTML elements via the HTMLElement interface.
API HTML DOM Interface Reference


This example shows a variety of different uses of object stores, from updating the data structure with IDBObjectStore.createIndex inside an onupgradeneeded function, to adding a new item to our object store with IDBObjectStore.add. For a full working example, see our To-do Notifications app (view example live.)
API IDBObjectStore IndexedDB Interface Reference


The IDBObjectStoreSync interface of the IndexedDB API provides synchronous access to an object store of a database.
API Interface Obsolete Reference Référence


The IDBVersionChangeRequest interface the IndexedDB API represents a request to change the version of a database. It is used only by the setVersion() method of IDBDatabase.
API Interface Obsolete Reference Référence


The ImageBitmap interface represents a bitmap image which can be drawn to a <canvas> without undue latency. It can be created from a variety of source objects using the createImageBitmap() factory method. ImageBitmap provides an asynchronous and resource efficient pathway to prepare textures for rendering in WebGL.
API Canvas ImageBitmap Interface Reference


The NamedNodeMap interface represents a collection of Attr objects. Objects inside a NamedNodeMap are not in any particular order, unlike NodeList, although they may be accessed by an index as in an array.
API DOM Interface Reference Référence


The NonDocumentTypeChildNode interface contains methods that are particular to Node objects that can have a parent, but not suitable for DocumentType.
API DOM Interface Reference Référence