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The hasOrientation read-only property of the VRDisplayCapabilities interface returns a Boolean stating whether the VR display can track and return orientation information.
API Experimental hasOrientation Property Reference Virtual Reality VR VRDisplayCapabilities WebVR


The hasPosition read-only property of the VRDisplayCapabilities interface returns a Boolean stating whether the VR display can track and return position information.
API Experimental hasPosition Property Reference Virtual Reality VR VRDisplayCapabilities WebVR


The maxLayers read-only property of the VRDisplayCapabilities interface returns a number indicating the maximum number of VRLayers that the VR display can present at once (e.g. the maximum length of the array that Display.requestPresent() can accept.)
API Experimental maxLayers Property Reference Virtual Reality VR VRDisplayCapabilities WebVR


The VRLayer interface (dictionary) of the WebVR API represents a content layer (an HTMLCanvasElement or OffscreenCanvas) that you want to present in a VR HMD.
API Dictionary Experimental Interface Reference Virtual Reality VR VRLayer WebVR


The leftBounds read-only property of the VRLayer interface (dictionary) defines the left texture bounds of the canvas whose contents will be presented by the VRDisplay.
API Experimental leftBounds Property Reference Virtual Reality VR VRLayer WebVR


The rightBounds read-only property of the VRLayer interface (dictionary) defines the right texture bounds of the canvas whose contents will be presented by the VRDisplay.
API Experimental Property Reference rightBounds Virtual Reality VR VRLayer WebVR


The VRStageParameters interface of the WebVR API represents the values describing the the stage area for devices that support room-scale experiences.
API Experimental Interface Reference Virtual Reality VR VRStageParameters WebVR


The sittingToStandingTransform read-only property of the VRStageParameters interface contains a matrix that transforms the sitting-space position returned by VRDisplay.getPose()/VRDisplay.getImmediatePose() into a standing-space position.
API Experimental Property Reference sittingToStandingTransform Virtual Reality VR VRStageParameters WebVR


The sizeX read-only property of the VRStageParameters interface returns the width of the play-area bounds in meters.
API Experimental Property Reference sizeX Virtual Reality VR VRStageParameters WebVR


The sizeY read-only property of the VRStageParameters interface returns the depth of the play-area bounds in meters.
API Experimental Property Reference sizeY Virtual Reality VR VRStageParameters WebVR


WebVR provides support for exposing virtual reality devices — for example head-mounted displays like the Oculus Rift — to web apps, enabling developers to translate position and movement information from the display into movement around a 3D scene. This has numerous very interesting applications, from virtual product tours and interactive training apps to super immersive first person games.
API Experimental Expérimental Landing Reference Référence Virtual Reality VR WebVR


The HMDVRDevice interface of the WebVR API represents a head mounted display, providing access to information about each eye, and allowing us to modify the current field of view.
API Experimental Expérimental HMDVRDevice Interface Obsolete Reference Référence Virtual Reality VR WebVR


The getEyeParameters() method of the HMDVRDevice interface returns current parameters for the eye specified as its argument ("left" or "right") — stored in a VREyeParameters object.
API Experimental Expérimental HMDVRDevice Method Obsolete Reference Référence Virtual Reality VR WebVR


The setFieldOfView() method of the HMDVRDevice interface can be used to set the field of view for one eye, or both eyes simultaneously.
API Experimental Expérimental HMDVRDevice Method Obsolete Reference Référence Virtual Reality VR WebVR


The activeVRDisplays read-only property of the Navigator interface returns an array containing every VRDisplay object that is currently presenting (VRDisplay.ispresenting is true).
activeVRDisplays API DOM Experimental Navigator Property Reference Virtual Reality VR WebVR