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The cancelAnimationFrame() method of the VRDisplay interface is a special implementation of Window.cancelAnimationFrame that unregisters callbacks registered with VRDisplay.requestAnimationFrame().
API cancelAnimationFrame() Experimental Method Reference Virtual Reality VR VRDisplay WebVR


The capabilities read-only property of the VRDisplay interface returns a VRDisplayCapabilities object that indicates the various capabilities of the VRDisplay.
API capabilities Experimental Property Reference Virtual Reality VR VRDisplay WebVR


The depthFar property of the VRDisplay interface gets and sets the z-depth defining the far plane of the eye view frustum, i.e. the furthest viewable boundary of the scene.
API depthFar Experimental Property Reference Virtual Reality VR VRDisplay WebVR


The depthNear property of the VRDisplay interface gets and sets the z-depth defining the near plane of the eye view frustum, i.e. the nearest viewable boundary of the scene.
API depthNear Experimental Property Reference Virtual Reality VR VRDisplay WebVR


The exitPresent() method of the VRDisplay interface stops the VRDisplay presenting a scene.
API exitPresent() Experimental Method Reference Virtual Reality VR VRDisplay WebVR


The getEyeParameters() method of the VRDisplay interface returns the VREyeParameters object containing the eye parameters for the specified eye.
API Experimental getEyeParameters() Method Reference Virtual Reality VR VRDisplay WebVR


The getImmediatePose() method of the VRDisplay interface returns a VRPose object defining the current pose of the VRDisplay, with no prediction applied.
API Experimental getImmediatePose() Method Reference Virtual Reality VR VRDisplay WebVR


The getLayers() method of the VRDisplay interface returns the layers currently being presented by the VRDisplay.
API Experimental getLayers() Method Reference Virtual Reality VR VRDisplay WebVR


The getPose() method of the VRDisplay interface returns a VRPose object defining the future predicted pose of the VRDisplay as it will be when the current frame is actually presented.
API Experimental getPose() Method Reference Virtual Reality VR VRDisplay WebVR


The isConnected read-only property of the VRDisplay interface returns a Boolean indicating whether the VRDisplay is connected to the computer.
API Experimental isConnected Property Reference Virtual Reality VR VRDisplay WebVR


The isPresenting read-only property of the VRDisplay interface returns a Boolean indicating whether the VRDisplay is currently having content presented through it.
API Experimental isPresenting Property Reference Virtual Reality VR VRDisplay WebVR


The requestAnimationFrame() method of the VRDisplay interface is a special implementation of Window.requestAnimationFrame containing a callback function that will be called every time a new frame of the VRDisplay presentation is rendered:
API Experimental Method Reference requestAnimationFrame() Virtual Reality VR VRDisplay WebVR


The requestPresent() method of the VRDisplay interface starts the VRDisplay presenting a scene.
API Experimental Method Reference requestPresent() Virtual Display VR VRDisplay WebVR


The resetPose() method of the VRDisplay interface resets the pose for the VRDisplay, treating its current VRPose.position and VRPose.orientation as the "origin/zero" values.
API Experimental Method Reference resetPose() Virtual Reality VR VRDevice WebVR


The stageParameters read-only property of the VRDisplay interface returns a VRStageParameters object containing room-scale parameters, if the VRDisplay is capable of supporting room-scale experiences.
API Experimental Property Reference stageParameters Virtual Reality VR VRDisplay WebVR


The submitFrame() method of the VRDisplay interface captures the current state of the VRLayer currently being presented and displays it on the VRDisplay.
API Experimental Method Reference submitFrame() Virtual Reality VR VRDisplay WebVR


The VRDisplayCapabilities interface of the WebVR API describes the capabilities of a VRDisplay — its features can be used to perform VR device capability tests, for example can it return position information.
API Interface Reference Virtual Reality VR VRDisplayCapabilities WebVR


The canPresent read-only property of the VRDisplayCapabilities interface returns a Boolean stating whether the VR display is capable of presenting content (e.g. through an HMD).
API canPresent Experimental Property Reference Virtual Reality VR VRDisplayCapabilities WebVR


The hasExternalDisplay read-only property of the VRDisplayCapabilities interface returns a Boolean stating whether the VR display is separate from the device's primary display.
API Experimental hasExternalDisplay Property Reference Virtual Reality VR VRDisplayCapabilities WebVR