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The HTMLHRElement interface provides special properties (beyond those of the HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating <hr> elements.
API HTML DOM Interface NeedsNewLayout Reference Référence


The HTMLHtmlElement interface serves as the root node for a given HTML document.  This object inherits the properties and methods described in the HTMLElement interface.
API HTML DOM Interface NeedsNewLayout Reference Référence


The HTMLImageElement interface provides special properties and methods  for manipulating the layout and presentation of <img> elements.
API HTML DOM Interface Reference Référence


The HTMLLabelElement interface gives access to properties specific to <label> elements. It inherits methods and properties from the base HTMLElement interface.
API HTML DOM HTMLLabelElement Interface Reference


The HTMLLabelElement.htmlFor property reflects the value of the for content property. That means that this script-accessible property is used to set and read the value of the content property for, which is the ID of the label's associated control element.
Forms HTML DOM htmlFor HTMLLabelElement Reference


The HTMLLegendElement is an interface allowing to access properties of the <legend> elements. It inherits properties and methods from the HTMLElement interface.
API HTML DOM Interface NeedsNewLayout Reference Référence


The HTMLLIElement interface expose specific properties and methods (beyond those defined by regular HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating list elements.
API HTML DOM Interface NeedsNewLayout Reference Référence


The HTMLLinkElement interface represents reference information for external resources and the relationship of those resources to a document and vice-versa. This object inherits all of the properties and methods of the HTMLElement interface.
API HTML DOM Interface Reference Référence


The HTMLLinkElement.rel property reflects the rel attribute. It is a DOMString containing a space-separated list of link types indicating the relationship between the resource represented by the <link> element and the current document.
API HTML DOM HTMLLInkElement Property Reference Référence


The HTMLMapElement interface provides special properties and methods (beyond those of the regular object HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating the layout and presentation of map elements.
API HTML DOM Interface Reference Référence


The HTMLMediaElement.autoplay property reflects the autoplay HTML attribute, indicating whether playback should automatically begin as soon as enough media is available to do so without interruption.
API HTML DOM HTMLMediaElement Property Web


The HTMLMediaElement.canPlayType() method determines whether the specified media type can be played back.
API HTML DOM HTMLMediaElement Method Web


The HTMLMediaElement.controller property represents the media controller assigned to the element.
API HTML DOM HTMLMediaElement Property Web


The HTMLMediaElement.controls property reflects the controls HTML attribute, which controls whether user interface controls for playing the media item will be displayed.
API HTML DOM HTMLMediaElement Property Web


The HTMLMediaElement.crossOrigin property is the CORS setting for this image element. See CORS settings attributes for details.
API HTML DOM HTMLMediaElement Property Web


The HTMLMediaElement.currentTime property gives the current playback time in seconds. Setting this value seeks the media to the new time.
API HTML DOM HTMLMediaElement Property Web


The HTMLMediaElement.defaultMuted property reflects the muted HTML attribute, which indicates whether the media element's audio output should be muted by default. This property has no dynamic effect. To mute and unmute the audio output, use the muted property.
API HTML DOM HTMLMediaElement Property Web


The HTMLMediaElement.defaultPlaybackRate property indicates the default playback rate for the media.
API HTML DOM HTMLMediaElement Property Web