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The MouseEvent.shiftKey read-only property indicates if the shift key was pressed (true) or not (false) when the event occurred.
API DOM DOM Events MouseEvent Property Read-only Reference Référence


Specifies an event listener to receive devicelight events. These events occur when the device's light level sensor detects a change in the intensity of the ambient light level.
Ambient Light Events API Experimental NeedsMarkupWork Property Reference


The Window.onuserproxymity property represents an EventHandler, that is a function to be called when the userproximity event occurs. These events are of type UserProximityEvent and occur when the the device sensor detects that an object becomes nearby.
API Experimental Expérimental NeedsBetterSpecLink Property Proximity Events Reference Référence Window


The CallEvent interface of the Web Telephony API represents events related to telephone calls.
API B2G CallEvent Event Events events Firefox OS Interface Mobile Non-standard Reference Référence Telephony WebAPI


The onchange event handler of the DataStore interface fires when a change is made to the data store. Its main use is to synchronize different apps that are using the data store when a change is made. When fired, this event returns a DataStoreChangeEvent, which can be used to handle the change that was just made. Alternatively, when the event fires you could create a DataStoreCursor and iterate through all the records, if needed.
API B2G Data Store Data Store API Database DataStore Events events Firefox OS onchange Property Reference Référence Storage storage


The MouseEvent.clientX read-only property provides the horizontal coordinate within the application's client area at which the event occurred (as opposed to the coordinates within the page). For example, clicking in the top-left corner of the client area will always result in a mouse event with a clientX value of 0, regardless of whether the page is scrolled horizontally.
API CSSOM View DOM DOM Events MouseEvent Property Read-only Reference Référence


The MouseEvent.clientY read-only property returns the vertical coordinate within the application's client area at which the event occurred (as opposed to the coordinates within the page). For example, clicking in the top-left corner of the client area will always result in a mouse event with a clientY value of 0, regardless of whether the page is scrolled vertically.
API CSSOM View DOM Events MouseEvent Property Read-only Reference Référence


The MouseEvent.movementX read-only property provides the shift in the X coordinate of the mouse pointer between that event and the previous mousemove event. In other words, the value of that property is computed that way : currentEvent.movementX = currentEvent.screenX - previousEvent.screenX.
API DOM DOM Events mouse lock MovementX pointer lock Property Read-only Reference


The MouseEvent.movementY read-only property provides the shift in the Y coordinate of the mouse pointer between that event and the previous mousemove event. In other words, the value of that property is computed that way : currentEvent.movementY = currentEvent.screenY - previousEvent.screenY.
API DOM DOM Events mouse lock MouseEvent MovementY pointer lock Property Read-only Reference


The MouseEvent.screenX read-only property provides the horizontal coordinate of the mouse pointer in global (screen) coordinates.
API CSSOM View DOM Events MouseEvent Property Read-only Reference Référence