Results 61 - 80 of 104


Returns a reference to the document contained in the window.
API HTML DOM NeedsCompatTable NeedsMarkupWork NeedsSpecTable Property Reference Window


Returns a new MediaQueryList object representing the parsed results of the specified media query string.
API CSSOM View Method NeedsMarkupWork NeedsSpecTable Reference Référence


Returns a reference to the screen object associated with the window. The screen object, implementing the Screen interface, is a special object for inspecting properties of the screen on which the current window is being rendered.
API CSSOM View DOM NeedsCompatTable NeedsMarkupWork NeedsSpecTable Property

Determining the dimensions of elements

There are several properties you can look at in order to determine the width and height of elements, and it can be tricky to determine which is the right one for your needs. This article is designed to help you make that decision.  Note that all these properties are read-only.  If you want to set the width and height of an element, use  width and height; or, the overriding min-width and max-width, and min-height and max-height properties.
client height Client width CSSOM View Guide Intermediate NeedsCompatTable NeedsSpecTable offsetHeight offsetWidth size of displayed content


document.designMode controls whether the entire document is editable. Valid values are "on" and "off". According to the specification, this property is meant to default to "off". Firefox follows this standard. The earlier versions of Chrome and IE default to "inherit". Starting in Chrome 43, the default is "off" and "inherit" is no longer supported. In IE6-10, the value is capitalized. 
API Document editor HTML DOM NeedsBrowserCompatibility NeedsContent NeedsSpecTable Property Reference Référence


Gets/sets the domain portion of the origin of the current document, as used by the same origin policy.
API Document HTML DOM NeedsCompatTable NeedsMarkupWork NeedsSpecTable NeedsUpdate Property Reference Référence


Returns the height of the document object. In most cases, this is equal to the <body> element of the current document.
API Document HTML DOM NeedsBrowserAgnosticism NeedsCompatTable NeedsMarkupWork NeedsSpecTable Property Reference Référence


The URL read-only property of the Document interface returns the document location as a string.
API Document HTML DOM NeedsBrowserCompatibility NeedsExample NeedsMarkupTable NeedsSpecTable Property Reference Référence

The property returns a CSSStyleDeclaration object that represents only the element's inline style attribute, ignoring any applied style rules.  See the CSS Properties Reference for a list of the CSS properties accessible via style.
API HTML DOM HTMLElement NeedsBrowserAgnosticism NeedsBrowserCompatibility NeedsMarkupWork NeedsSpecTable Property Reference Référence


The HTMLFormElement.length read-only property returns the number of controls in the <form> element.
API HTML DOM HTMLFormElement NeedsCompatTable NeedsSpecTable Property Read-only Reference Référence


Accepts two optional parameters: Image([unsigned long width, unsigned long height])
API Constructor HTML DOM HTMLImageElement NeedsBrowserCompatibility NeedsContent NeedsMarkupWork NeedsSpecTable Reference Référence


The HTMLInputElement.multiple property indicates if an input can have more than one value. Firefox currently only supports multiple for <input type="file">.
API HTML DOM HTMLInputElement NeedsBrowserAgnosticism NeedsBrowserCompatibility NeedsMarkupWork NeedsSpecTable Property Reference Référence


The HTMLTableElement.rows read-only property returns a live HTMLCollection of all the rows in the table. The rows included in the associated <thead>, <tfoot> and <tbody> elements.
API HTML DOM HTMLTableElement NeedsBrowserCompatibility NeedsSpecTable Property Read-only Reference Référence