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Stops a timer that was previously started by calling console.time().
API console Debugging DOM Method Non-standard web console Web Development


The DataTransferItem object represents one drag data item. During a drag operation, each drag event has a dataTransfer property which contains a list of drag data items. Each item in the list is a DataTransferItem object.
API DataTransferItem drag and drop HTML DOM HTML Drag and Drop API Interface Reference


If the item is a file, the DataTransferItem.getAsFile() method returns the drag data item's File object. If the item is not a file, this method returns null.
API DataTransferItem drag and drop HTML DOM HTML Drag and Drop API Method Reference


The DataTransferItem.getAsString() method invokes the given callback with the drag data item's string data as the argument if the item's kind is a Plain unicode string (i.e. kind is string).
API DataTransferItem drag and drop getAsString HTML DOM HTML Drag and Drop API Method Reference


The read-only DataTransferItem.kind property returns a DataTransferItem representing the drag data item kind: some text or some file.
API DataTransferItem drag and drop HTML DOM HTML Drag and Drop API kind Property Reference


The read-only DataTransferItem.type property returns the type (format) of the DataTransferItem object representing the drag data item. The type is a Unicode string generally given by a MIME type, although a MIME type is not required.
API DataTransferItem drag and drop HTML DOM HTML Drag and Drop API Property Reference Type


The DataTransferItemList object is a list of DataTransferItem objects representing items being dragged. During a drag operation, each DragEvent has a dataTransfer property and that property is a DataTransferItemList.
API DataTransferItemList drag and drop HTML DOM HTML Drag and Drop API Interface Reference


The DataTransferItemList.add() method creates a new DataTransferItem using the specified data and adds it to the drag data list. The item may be a File or a string of a given type. If the item is successfully added to the list, the newly-created DataTransferItem object is returned.
Add API DataTransferItemList drag and drop HTML DOM HTML Drag and Drop API Method NeedsLiveSample Reference


The DataTransferItemList.clear() method removes all DataTransferItem objects from the drag data items list, leaving the list empty.
API clear DataTransferItemList drag and drop HTML DOM HTML Drag and Drop API Method NeedsLiveSample Reference


The DataTransferItemList() getter method implements support for accessing items in the DataTransferItemList using array-style syntax (that is DataTransferItemList[index]).
API DataTransferItemList drag and drop Getter HTML DOM HTML Drag and Drop API Method NeedsLiveSample Reference


The read-only DataTransferItemList.length property returns the number of items in the list. If the list has no items, or is disabled (because it has no data store at all), this property returns zero.
API DataTransferItemList drag and drop HTML DOM HTML Drag and Drop API length NeedsLiveSample Property Reference


The DataTransferItemList.remove() method removes the DataTransferItem at the specified index from the list. If the index is less than zero or greater than one less than the length of the list, the list will not be changed.
API DataTransferItemList drag and drop HTML DOM HTML Drag and Drop API Method NeedsLiveSample Reference remove


document.designMode controls whether the entire document is editable. Valid values are "on" and "off". According to the specification, this property is meant to default to "off". Firefox follows this standard. The earlier versions of Chrome and IE default to "inherit". Starting in Chrome 43, the default is "off" and "inherit" is no longer supported. In IE6-10, the value is capitalized. 
API Document editor HTML DOM NeedsBrowserCompatibility NeedsContent NeedsSpecTable Property Reference Référence


Gets/sets the domain portion of the origin of the current document, as used by the same origin policy.
API Document HTML DOM NeedsCompatTable NeedsMarkupWork NeedsSpecTable NeedsUpdate Property Reference Référence


Returns the height of the document object. In most cases, this is equal to the <body> element of the current document.
API Document HTML DOM NeedsBrowserAgnosticism NeedsCompatTable NeedsMarkupWork NeedsSpecTable Property Reference Référence


The URL read-only property of the Document interface returns the document location as a string.
API Document HTML DOM NeedsBrowserCompatibility NeedsExample NeedsMarkupTable NeedsSpecTable Property Reference Référence