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The ServiceWorkerGlobalScope.onpushsubscriptionchange event of the ServiceWorkerGlobalScope interface is fired whenever a push subscription has been invalidated (or is about to become so). This offers an opportunity to resubscribe in order to continue receiving push messages, if desired. This might happen if, for example, the push service sets an expiration time a subscription.
API NeedsExample onpushsubscriptionchange Property Push Reference Service Workers ServiceWorkerGlobalScope

The active property of the ServiceWorkerRegistration interface returns a service worker whose ServiceWorker.state is activating or activated. This property is initially set to null.
active API Property Reference Référence Service Workers ServiceWorkerRegistration


The getNotifications() method of the ServiceWorkerRegistration interface returns a list of the notifications that have been fired from the current service worker.
API Experimental getNotifications Method Notifications Reference Service Workers ServiceWorker ServiceWorkerRegistration


The installing property of the ServiceWorkerRegistration interface returns a service worker whose ServiceWorker.state is installing. This property is initially set to null.
API Installing Property Reference Référence Service Workers ServiceWorkerRegistration


The onupdatefound property of the ServiceWorkerRegistration interface is an EventListener property called whenever an event of type statechange is fired; it is fired any time the ServiceWorkerRegistration.installing property acquires a new service worker.
API onupdatefound Property Reference Référence Service Workers ServiceWorkerRegistration


The periodicSync read-only property of the ServiceWorkerRegistration interface returns a reference to the PeriodicSyncManager interface, which manages periodic background synchronization processes.
API Experimental periodicSync PeriodicSyncManager Property Reference Service Workers ServiceWorkerRegistration


The pushManager property of the ServiceWorkerRegistration interface returns a reference to the PushManager interface for managing push subscriptions; this includes support for subscribing, getting an active subscription, and accessing push permission status.
API Property Push PushManager Reference Service Workers ServiceWorkerRegistration


The sync property of the ServiceWorkerRegistration interface returns a reference to the SyncManager interface, which manages background synchronization processes.
API Experimental Property Reference Service Workers ServiceWorkerRegistration Sync sync


The update method of the ServiceWorkerRegistration interface attempts to update the service worker. It fetches the worker's script URL, and if the new worker is not byte-by-byte identical to the current worker, it installs the new worker. The fetch of the worker bypasses any browser caches if the previous fetch occurred over 24 hours ago.
API Method Reference Service Workers ServiceWorkerRegistration Update update


The waiting property of the ServiceWorkerRegistration interface returns a service worker whose ServiceWorker.state is installed. This property is initially set to null.
API Property Reference Référence Service Workers ServiceWorkerRegistration waiting

The name read-only property of the SharedWorkerGlobalScope interface returns the name that the SharedWorker was (optionally) given when it was created. This is the name that the SharedWorker() constructor can pass to get a reference to the SharedWorkerGlobalScope.
API name Property Reference Référence SharedWorkerGlobalScope Web Workers


The onconnect property of the SharedWorkerGlobalScope interface is an EventHandler representing the code to be called when the connect event is raised — that is, when a MessagePort connection is opened between the associated SharedWorker and the main thread.
API onconnect Property Reference Référence SharedWorkerGlobalScope Web Workers