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An object representing the source of the request, such as an IDBIndex, IDBObjectStore or IDBCursor.
API Database IDBRequest IndexedDB Property Reference source Source storage Storage


The seekable read-only property of the HTMLMediaElement returns a TimeRanges object that contains the time ranges that the user is able to seek to, if any.
API Audio Extensions HTMLMediaElement Media MSE Property Reference seekable source Source Video


The length read-only property of the TrackDefaultList interface returns the number of TrackDefault objects in the list.
API Audio Experimental Extensions length Media MSE Property Reference Source source TrackDefaultList Video


The TrackDefault() getter method of the TrackDefaultList interface allows the TrackDefault objects in the list to be accessed with an array operator (i.e. [].)
API Audio Extensions Getter Media Method MSE Reference source Source Video


The TrackDefaultList() constructor of the TrackDefaultList interface constructs and returns a new TrackDefaultList object.
API Audio Constructor Experimental Extensions Media MSE Reference Source source TrackDefaultList Video


The source read-only property of the VRLayer interface (dictionary) defines the canvas whose contents will be presented by the VRDisplay.
API Experimental Property Reference source Source Virtual Reality VR VRLayer WebVR


The addSourceBuffer() method of the MediaSource interface creates a new SourceBuffer of the given MIME type and adds it to the MediaSource's SourceBuffers list.
addSourceBuffer API Audio Experimental Media Source Extensions MediaSource Method MSE Reference Video


The duration property of the MediaSource interface gets and sets the duration of the current media being presented.
API Audio duration Experimental Media Source Extensions MediaSource MSE Property Reference Video


The endOfStream() method of the MediaSource interface signals the end of the stream.
API Audio endOfStream Experimental Media Source Extensions MediaSource Method MSE Reference Video