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The close() method of the AudioContext Interface closes the audio context, releasing any system audio resources that it uses.
API AudioContext close Media Method Reference Référence Web Audio API


Compression lowers the volume of the loudest parts of the signal and raises the volume of the softest parts. Overall, a louder, richer, and fuller sound can be achieved. It is especially important in games and musical applications where large numbers of individual sounds are played simultaneously, where you want to control the overall signal level and help avoid clipping (distorting) of the audio output.
API AudioContext createDynamicsCompressor Method Reference Référence Web Audio API


For more details about media element audio source nodes, check out the MediaElementAudioSourceNode reference page.
API AudioContext createMediaElementSource Method Reference Référence Web Audio API


The MediaStream is created when the node is created and is accessible via the MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode's stream attribute. This stream can be used in a similar way as a MediaStream obtained via navigator.getUserMedia — it can, for example, be sent to a remote peer using the RTCPeerConnection addStream() method.
API AudioContext createMediaStreamDestination Method Reference Référence Web Audio API


For more details about media stream audio source nodes, check out the MediaStreamAudioSourceNode reference page.
API Audio AudioContext createMediastreamSource Method Reference Web Audio API


The panner node is spatialized in relation to the AudioContext's AudioListener (defined by the AudioContext.listener attribute), which represents the position and orientation of the person listening to the audio.
API AudioContext createPanner Method Reference Web Audio API


This is the preferred method of creating an audio source for Web Audio API from an audio track.
API Audio audio AudioContext decodeAudioData Method Reference Web Audio API