HTML - <iframe>

The HTML Inline Frame Element (<iframe>) represents a nested browsing context, effectively embedding another HTML page into the current page. In HTML 4.01, a document may contain a head and a body or a head and a frameset, but not both a body and a frameset. However, an <iframe> can be used within a normal document body. Each browsing context has its own session history and active document. The browsing context that contains the embedded content is called the parent browsing context. The top-level browsing context (which has no parent) is typically the browser window.



Here are a few examples demonstrating the use of the <iframe> element.

A simple <iframe>

This is a basic example of an <iframe> in action. After creating the frame, when the user clicks a button, its title is retrieved and displayed in an alert.


<iframe src="" width="400" height="300">
  <p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p>


Open a link in an <iframe> in another tab

In this example, a Google map is displayed in a frame;


<base target="_blank">
<iframe id="Example2"

  <a href=";source=embed&amp;hl=es-419&amp;geocode=&amp;q=buenos+aires&amp;sll=37.0625,-95.677068&amp;sspn=38.638819,80.859375&amp;t=h&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;hq=&amp;hnear=Buenos+Aires,+Argentina&amp;z=11&amp;ll=-34.603723,-58.381593" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left"> See bigger map </a>



Live example


The HTML Inline Frame Element (<iframe>) represents a nested browsing context, effectively embedding another HTML page into the current page. In HTML 4.01, a document may contain a head and a body or a head and a frameset, but not both a body and a frameset. However, an <iframe> can be used within a normal document body. Each browsing context has its own session history and active document. The browsing context that contains the embedded content is called the parent browsing context. The top-level browsing context (which has no parent) is typically the browser window.

Content categories Flow content, phrasing content, embedded content, interactive content, palpable content.
Permitted content Special, see prose
Tag omission None, both the starting and ending tag are mandatory.
Permitted parent elements Any element that accepts embedded content.
DOM interface HTMLIFrameElement

Browser Compatibility  

Feature Chrome Edge Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari (WebKit)
Basic support 1.0 (Yes) (Yes)[2] (Yes) (Yes) (Yes)[3]
sandbox 4.0 (Yes) 17.0 (17.0) 10 15 5
srcdoc 20.0 No support 25.0 (25.0) No support 15 6
allowfullscreen 17.0 webkit
(Yes) 9.0 (9.0) moz
18.0 (18.0)

11 ms

(Yes) (Yes) webkit
sandbox="allow-popups" ? (Yes) 27.0 (27.0) ? ? ?
sandbox="allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox" 46.0 No support 49.0 (49.0) ? 32 ?
sandbox="allow-modals" ? ? 49.0 (49.0) ? ? ?
referrerpolicy 51.0 No support 42.0 (42.0) [1] ? ? ?
sandbox="allow-presentation" 53.0 ? ? ?


Feature Android Android Webview Firefox Mobile (Gecko) IE Phone Opera Mobile Safari Mobile Chrome for Android
Basic support (Yes)


(Yes)[2] (Yes) (Yes) (Yes)


sandbox 2.2


17.0 (17.0) 10 No support 4.2


srcdoc ? ? 25.0 (25.0) No support ? ? ?
allowfullscreen ? ? 9.0 (9.0) moz
18.0 (18.0)
No support No support (Yes) webkit
sandbox="allow-popups" ? ? 27.0 (27.0) ? ? ? ?
sandbox="allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox" No support 46 49.0 (49.0) ? 32 ? 46.0
sandbox="allow-modals" ? ? 49.0 (49.0) ? ? ? ?
referrerpolicy No support 51.0 ? ? ? ? 51.0
sandbox="allow-presentation" No support No support ? ?


? 53.0

[1] Implemented as referrer and behind the flag network.http.enablePerElementReferrer. Renamed to referrerpolicy in Firefox 45.

[2] The resize CSS property doesn't have any effect on this element due to bug 680823.

[3] Safari has a well-known bug that prevents iframes from loading if the iframe element was hidden when added to the page. iframeElement.src = iframeElement.src should cause it to load the iframe.


Starting in Gecko 6.0, rendering of inline frames correctly respects the borders of their containing element when they're rounded using border-radius.


Specification Status Comment
Referrer Policy
The definition of 'referrerpolicy attribute' in that specification.
Working Draft Added the referrerpolicy attribute.
WHATWG HTML Living Standard
The definition of '<iframe>' in that specification.
Living Standard  
The definition of '<iframe>' in that specification.
HTML 4.01 Specification
The definition of '<iframe>' in that specification.
Screen Orientation API Working Draft Adds allow-orientation-lock to the sandbox attribute.
Presentation API
The definition of 'allow-presentation' in that specification.
Editor's Draft Adds allow-presentation to the sandbox attribute


Inline frames, like <frame> elements, enter the window.frames pseudo-array.

From the DOM iframe element, scripts can get access to the window object of the included HTML page via the contentWindow property. The contentDocument property refers to the document element inside the iframe (this is equivalent to contentWindow.document), but is not supported by Internet Explorer versions before IE8.

From the inside of a frame, a script can get a reference to the parent window via Window.parent.

Scripts trying to access a frame's content are subject to the same-origin policy, and cannot access most of the properties in the other window object if it was loaded from a different domain. This also applies to a script inside a frame trying to access its parent window. Cross-domain communication can still be achieved with Window.postMessage().


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