Results 221 - 240 of 772


The signalStrength property value provides the absolute strength of the signal in dBm.
API B2G Firefox OS Non-standard Property Reference WiFi


The MozWifiP2pManager.connect() method binds, with a given configuration, to a peer identified by its MAC address and returns a DOMRequest that will report if the connect request has been issued successfully or not (but not about its result).
API Firefox OS Method MozWifiP2pManager Non-standard Reference WiFi


The navigator.mozAudioChannelManager object provides access to the mozAudioChannelManager interface, which is used to manage your Firefox OS device's audio channels, including setting what channel's volume to affect when the volume buttons are pressed inside a particular app.
API AudioChannels Device API Firefox OS Navigator Property Reference


This API has not been implemented as of Firefox OS 2.2. You probably actually want navigator.mozCameras.
API DOM Firefox OS Gecko DOM Reference Graphics Property WebAPI


Returns a PowerManager object you can use to manage the power usage of the device.
API B2G Firefox OS Non-standard Power Management Property


This method is used to remove an idle observer previously set with navigator.addIdleObserver.
API Firefox OS Idle Method Non-standard Reference