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The ipAddress property value provides the current IP address of the device in the dotted quad format.
API B2G Firefox OS Non-standard Property Reference WiFi


The linkSpeed property value provides the current speed of the connection in Mb/s.
API B2G Firefox OS Non-standard Property Reference WiFi

The network property value provides the current network in use when the connection state changes.
API B2G Firefox OS Non-standard Property Reference WiFi


The relSignalStrength property value provides the relative strength of the signal.
API B2G Firefox OS Non-standard Property Reference WiFi


The signalStrength property value provides the absolute strength of the signal in dBm.
API B2G Firefox OS Non-standard Property Reference WiFi


The MozWifiP2pManager.connect() method binds, with a given configuration, to a peer identified by its MAC address and returns a DOMRequest that will report if the connect request has been issued successfully or not (but not about its result).
API Firefox OS Method MozWifiP2pManager Non-standard Reference WiFi


The connection property value provides the status and current network in used by the WiFi adapter.
API B2G Firefox OS Property Reference WiFi


The connectionInformation property value provides extra information about the current connection.
API B2G Firefox OS Non-standard Property Reference WiFi


The enabled property value indicates whether the wifi is turned on (true) or off (false).
API B2G Firefox OS Non-standard Property Reference WiFi