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The CanvasCaptureMediaStream.canvas read-only property returns the HTMLCanvasElement associated with the stream.
CanvasCaptureMediaStream Experimental Property Read-only Reference Web


A CloseEvent is sent to clients using WebSockets when the connection is closed. This is delivered to the listener indicated by the WebSocket object's onclose attribute.
API Interface Reference Web WebSocket WebSockets


The ConvolverNode interface is an AudioNode that performs a Linear Convolution on a given AudioBuffer, often used to achieve a reverb effect. A ConvolverNode always has exactly one input and one output.
API ConvolverNode Interface Reference Web Audio API


The Crypto interface represents basic cryptography features available in the current context. It allows access to a cryptographically strong random number generator and to cryptographic primitives.
API Interface Reference Référence Web Crypto API


The CryptoKey interface represents a cryptographic key derived from a specific key algorithm.
API Interface Reference Référence Web Crypto API


The File interface provides information about files and allows JavaScript in a web page to access their content.
API File API Interface Reference Web


The gain is a unitless value, changing with time, that is multiplied to each corresponding sample of all input channels. If modified, the new gain is applied using a de-zippering algorithm in order to prevent unaesthetic 'clicks' from appearing in the resulting audio.
API GainNode Interface Reference Web Audio API


The HTMLCanvasElement.captureStream() method returns a CanvasCaptureMediaStream that is a real-time video capture of the surface of the canvas.
Experimental HTMLCanvasElement Media Stream Method Reference Web


The HTMLMediaElement.autoplay property reflects the autoplay HTML attribute, indicating whether playback should automatically begin as soon as enough media is available to do so without interruption.
API HTML DOM HTMLMediaElement Property Web


The HTMLMediaElement.canPlayType() method determines whether the specified media type can be played back.
API HTML DOM HTMLMediaElement Method Web


The HTMLMediaElement.controller property represents the media controller assigned to the element.
API HTML DOM HTMLMediaElement Property Web


The HTMLMediaElement.controls property reflects the controls HTML attribute, which controls whether user interface controls for playing the media item will be displayed.
API HTML DOM HTMLMediaElement Property Web


The HTMLMediaElement.crossOrigin property is the CORS setting for this image element. See CORS settings attributes for details.
API HTML DOM HTMLMediaElement Property Web


The HTMLMediaElement.currentTime property gives the current playback time in seconds. Setting this value seeks the media to the new time.
API HTML DOM HTMLMediaElement Property Web


The HTMLMediaElement.defaultMuted property reflects the muted HTML attribute, which indicates whether the media element's audio output should be muted by default. This property has no dynamic effect. To mute and unmute the audio output, use the muted property.
API HTML DOM HTMLMediaElement Property Web


The HTMLMediaElement.defaultPlaybackRate property indicates the default playback rate for the media.
API HTML DOM HTMLMediaElement Property Web