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The URL.origin read-only property returns a USVString containing the Unicode serialization of the origin of the represented URL, that is:
API Property Read-only Reference URL url URL API


The url read-only property of the Response interface contains the URL of the response.
API Experimental Fetch Property Reference Response URL url


The URL interface represent an object providing static methods used for creating object URLs.
API Experimental Expérimental URL API


The HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils.hash property returns a DOMString containing a '#' followed by the fragment identifier of the URL. The fragment is not percent-decoded.
API Experimental HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils Property URL API

The property is a USVString containing the host, that is the hostname, and then, if the port of the URL is nonempty, a ':', and the port of the URL.
API Experimental HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils Property URL API


The HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils.hostname property is a USVString containing the domain of the URL.
API Experimental HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils Property URL API


The HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils.pathname property is a USVString containing an initial '/' followed by the path of the URL.
API Experimental HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils Property URL API


The HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils.port property is a USVString containing the port number of the URL.
API Experimental HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils Property URL API


The HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils.protocol property is a USVString representing the protocol scheme of the URL, including the final ':'.
API Experimental HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils Property URL API

The property, is a search string, also called a query string, that is USVString containing a '?' followed by the parameters of the URL.
API Experimental HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils Property URL API


The HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils.username property is a USVString containing the username specified before the domain name.
API Experimental HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils Property URL API


The url read-only property of the Request interface contains the URL of the request.
API Experimental Fetch Property Reference request URL


The URLSearchParams interface defines utility methods to work with the query string of a URL.
API Experimental Interface Reference URL API