audioop — Manipulate raw audio data
module contains some useful operations on sound fragments. It operates on sound fragments consisting of signed integer samples 8, 16, 24 or 32 bits wide, stored in audioop
bytes-like objects
. All scalar items are integers, unless specified otherwise.
aifc — Read and write AIFF and AIFC files
Source code: Lib/
wave — Read and write WAV files
Source code: Lib/
ossaudiodev — Access to OSS-compatible audio devices
This module allows you to access the OSS (Open Sound System) audio interface. OSS is available for a wide range of open-source and commercial Unices, and is the standard audio interface for Linux and recent versions of FreeBSD.
sndhdr — Determine type of sound file
Source code: Lib/
imghdr — Determine the type of an image
Source code: Lib/
colorsys — Conversions between color systems
Source code: Lib/
chunk — Read IFF chunked data
Source code: Lib/