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The getVRDisplays() method of the Navigator interface returns a promise that resolves to an array of VRDisplay objects representing any available VR devices connected to the computer.
API DOM Experimental Expérimental getVRDisplays() Media Method Navigator Reference Référence Virtual Reality VR WebVR


The getState() method of the PositionSensorVRDevice interface returns the current state of the position sensor for the current frame (e.g. within the current window.requestAnimationFrame callback) or for the previous frame, contained with a VRPositionState object. This is the method you'd normally want to use, versus PositionSensorVRDevice.getImmediateState.
API Experimental Expérimental Method Obsolete PositionSensorVRDevice Reference Référence Virtual Reality VR WebVR


The resetSensor() method of the VRDevice interface can be used to reset the sensor if desired, returning the position and orientation values to zero.
API Experimental Expérimental Method Obsolete PositionSensorVRDevice Reference resetSensor Référence Virtual Reality VR WebVR


The VRDisplay interface of the WebVR API represents any VR device supported by this API. It includes generic information such as device IDs and descriptions, as well as methods for starting to present a VR scene, retrieving eye parameters and display capabilities, and other important functionality.
API DOM Experimental Expérimental Interface Media Reference Référence Virtual Reality VR VRDisplay WebVR


The displayId read-only property of the VRDisplay interface returns an identifier for this particular VRDisplay, which is also used as an association point in the Gamepad API (see Gamepad.displayId).
API displayId Experimental Expérimental Property Reference Référence Virtual Reality VR VRDisplay WebVR


The displayName read-only property of the VRDisplay interface returns a human-readable name to identify the VRDisplay.
API displayName Experimental Expérimental Property Reference Référence Virtual Reality VR VRDisplay WebVR


The hardwareUnitId read-only property of the VRDevice interface returns the distinct hardware ID for the overall hardware unit that this VRDevice is a part of. All devices that are part of the same physical piece of hardware will have the same hardwareUnitId.
API Experimental Expérimental hardwareUnitId Obsolete Property Reference Référence Virtual Reality VR VRDevice WebVR


The VREyeParameters interface of the WebVR API represents all the information required to correctly render a scene for a given eye, including field of view information.
API Experimental Expérimental Landing Reference Référence Virtual Reality VR VREyeParameters WebVR


The maximumFieldOfView read-only property of the VREyeParameters interface describes the maximum supported field of view for the current eye.
API Experimental Expérimental maximumFieldOfView Obsolete Property Reference Référence Virtual Reality VR VREyeParameters WebVR


The minimumFieldOfView read-only property of the VREyeParameters interface describes the minimum supported field of view for the current eye.
API Experimental Expérimental minimumFieldOfView Obsolete Property Reference Référence Virtual Reality VR VREyeParameters WebVR


The recommendedFieldOfView read-only property of the VREyeParameters interface describes the recommended field of view for the current eye — ideally based on user calibration.
API Experimental Expérimental Obsolete Property recommendedFieldOfView Reference Référence Virtual Reality VR VREyeParameters WebVR


The renderRect read-only property of the VREyeParameters interface specifies the viewport of a canvas into which visuals for the current eye should be rendered.
API Experimental Expérimental Obsolete Property Reference renderRect Référence Virtual Reality VR VREyeParameters WebVR


The downDegrees read-only property of the VRFieldOfView interface returns the number of degrees downwards that the field of view extends in.
API downDegrees Experimental Expérimental Property Reference Référence Virtual Reality VR VRFieldOfView WebVR


The leftDegrees read-only property of the VRFieldOfView interface returns the number of degrees to the left that the field of view extends in.
API Experimental Expérimental leftDegrees Property Reference Référence Virtual Reality VR VRFieldOfView WebVR


The rightDegrees read-only property of the VRFieldOfView interface returns the number of degrees to the right that the field of view extends in.
API Experimental Expérimental Property Reference Référence rightDegrees Virtual Reality VR VRFieldOfView WebVR