Results 161 - 180 of 260


The Window.onuserproxymity property represents an EventHandler, that is a function to be called when the userproximity event occurs. These events are of type UserProximityEvent and occur when the the device sensor detects that an object becomes nearby.
API Experimental Expérimental NeedsBetterSpecLink Property Proximity Events Reference Référence Window


document.load() is a part of an old version of the W3C DOM Level 3 Load & Save module. Can be used with document.async to indicate whether the request is synchronous or asynchronous (the default). As of at least Gecko 1.9, this no longer supports cross-site loading of documents (Use XMLHttpRequest instead).
API Deprecated DOM Experimental Expérimental Method Reference Référence


The url read-only property of the Client interface returns the URL of the current service worker client.
API Client Experimental Expérimental Property Reference Référence Service Workers url URL