Results 161 - 180 of 274


The WebGLRenderingContext.bindAttribLocation() method of the WebGL API binds a generic vertex index to an attribute variable.
API Method Reference WebGL WebGLRenderingContext


The WebGLRenderingContext.bindBuffer() method of the WebGL API binds a given WebGLBuffer to a target.
API Method Reference WebGL WebGLRenderingContext


The WebGLRenderingContext.bindFramebuffer() method of the WebGL API binds a given WebGLFramebuffer to a target.
API Method Reference WebGL WebGLRenderingContext


The WebGLRenderingContext.bindRenderbuffer() method of the WebGL API binds a given WebGLRenderbuffer to a target, which must be gl.RENDERBUFFER.
API Method Reference WebGL WebGLRenderingContext


The WebGLRenderingContext.blendColor() method of the WebGL API is used to set the source and destination blending factors.
API Method Reference WebGL WebGLRenderingContext


The WebGLRenderingContext.blendEquation() method of the WebGL API is used to set both the RGB blend equation and alpha blend equation to a single equation.
API Method Reference WebGL WebGLRenderingContext


The WebGLRenderingContext.blendEquationSeparate() method of the WebGL API is used to set the RGB blend equation and alpha blend equation separately.
API Method Reference WebGL WebGLRenderingContext


The WebGLRenderingContext.blendFunc() method of the WebGL API defines which function is used for blending pixel arithmetic.
API Method Reference WebGL WebGLRenderingContext


The WebGLRenderingContext.blendFuncSeparate() method of the WebGL API defines which function is used for blending pixel arithmetic for RGB and alpha components separately.
API Method Reference WebGL WebGLRenderingContext


The WebGLRenderingContext.bufferData() method of the WebGL API initializes and creates the buffer object's data store.
API Method Reference WebGL WebGLRenderingContext


The WebGLRenderingContext.bufferSubData() method of the WebGL API updates a subset of a buffer object's data store.
API Method Reference WebGL WebGLRenderingContext


The WebGLRenderingContext.canvas property is a read-only reference to the HTMLCanvasElement or OffscreenCanvas object that is associated with the context. It might be null if it is not associated with a <canvas> element or an OffscreenCanvas object.
Property Read-only WebGL WebGLRenderingContext


The WebGLRenderingContext.checkFramebufferStatus() method of the WebGL API returns the completeness status of the WebGLFramebuffer object.
API Method Reference WebGL WebGLRenderingContext


The WebGLRenderingContext.clear() method of the WebGL API clears buffers to preset values.
API Method Reference WebGL WebGLRenderingContext


The WebGLRenderingContext.clearColor() method of the WebGL API specifies the color values used when clearing color buffers.
API Method Reference WebGL WebGLRenderingContext


The WebGLRenderingContext.clearDepth() method of the WebGL API specifies the clear value for the depth buffer.
API Method Reference WebGL WebGLRenderingContext


The WebGLRenderingContext.clearStencil() method of the WebGL API specifies the clear value for the stencil buffer.
API Method Reference WebGL WebGLRenderingContext


The WebGLRenderingContext.colorMask() method of the WebGL API sets which color components to enable or to disable when drawing or rendering to a WebGLFramebuffer.
API Method Reference WebGL WebGLRenderingContext


The WebGLRenderingContext.compileShader() method of the WebGL API compiles a GLSL shader into binary data so that it can be used by a WebGLProgram.
API Method Reference WebGL WebGLRenderingContext


The WebGLRenderingContext.createBuffer() method of the WebGL API creates and initializes a WebGLBuffer storing data such as vertices or colors.
API Method Reference WebGL WebGLRenderingContext