Python Sets
Python Set update() Method
Updates a set, adding the unique items in the other set or iterable to the source set.
Python Set symmetric_difference_update() Method
Removes the items from the given set that are present in both sets, and inserts the items that are not present in both sets.
Python Sets
Sets allow multiple values to be stored as a collection.
Python Set add() Method
Adds an item to a set.
Python Set union() Method
Returns the union of two or more sets.
Python Set clear() Method
Removes all the items from the set, returning an empty set.
Python Set difference() Method
Returns a set containing the differences between two sets. If you have
two sets, a
and b
, a.difference(b)
returns all the
items in a
that are not in b
Python Set difference_update() Method
Updates the source set by removing the items that exist in both sets.
Python Set discard() Method
Removes the specified item from the set. If the item does not exist, no
exception is thrown. Compare this to the
method which will throw an exception if the item doesn't exist.
Python Set intersection() Method
Returns a new set with items that all sets include.
Python Set intersection_update() Method
Removes the items in the sets involved in the operation so that only items present in all sets will remain in each set.
Python Set isdisjoint() Method
Returns True
if the two sets do not have any items in common. Returns False
if the
two sets have an item in common (the two sets have an intersection).
Python Set issubset() Method
Returns True
if the source set is contained in the other set.
Python Set issuperset() Method
Returns True
if all the items in the other set exist in the source set.
Python Set pop() Method
Removes a random element from the set.
Python Set remove() Method
Removes an item from the set. If the item does not exist in the set,
Python will throw a KeyError
exception. Compare this to the
method which will not throw
an exception if the item doesn't exist.
Python Set symmetric_difference() Method
Returns a new set that contains all the items from both sets except items that are present in both sets.
Python Set copy() Method
Returns a copy of the set. The original set and the new set are now independent of each other.