Python String Methods

Python String maketrans() Method

Returns a translation table to be used in translations. Note that this doesn't do the translation, but rather creates the map for use in the translate function.

Python String partition() Method

Searches for the specified substring to match on and returns a tuple of three strings: everything before the match, the match string, everything after the match string.

Python String replace() Method

Replaces all occurrences of the substring with a new string. The number of occurrences can also be specified.

Python String rfind() Method

Returns the index of the last occurrence found of the specified substring. Python will return -1 if the search string is not found.

Python String rindex() Method

Returns the index of the last occurrence found of the specified substring. Python will throw a ValueError exception if the substring is not found.

Python String rjust() Method

Right justifies a string, left-padding with the specified character or substring to the specified width.

Python String rpartition() Method

Searches the source string from the right for the first match of the specified substring and returns a tuple with everything to the left of the match (from the right), the match, and everything to the right of the first match (again, from the right.)

Python String rsplit() Method

Splits the string by the given separator, from right to left. An array is returned for the separated strings. And optional number of occurrences can be specified.

Python String rstrip() Method

Removes the specified set of characters from the end of the source string.

Python String split() Method

Splits the string by the given separator, from left to right. An array is returned for the separated strings. An optional number of occurrences can be specified.

Python String splitlines() Method

Splits a line by carriage returns and/or line feed characaters. The return is an array of strings representing separate lines.

Python String lstrip() Method

Removes the specified leading characters from the start of a string.

Python String startswith() Method

Returns True if the string starts with the specified substring. This is a case sensitive test.

Python String swapcase() Method

Python String title() Method

Converts the first character of each word to uppercase and the rest of the characters in each word to lowercase, such that the resulting string conforms with the rules for a title.

Python String translate() Method

Given a string, translate replaces characters in that string with other characters as specified in the supplied "translation" and returns the new string. A translation is simply a map of characters, and the characters to those characters with.

Python String upper() Method

Converts the letters a-z to uppercase.

Python String zfill() Method

Fills the string with a specified number of 0 values at the beginning

Python String strip() Method

Removes the specified set of characters from the start and end of the source string.

Python String lower() Method

Converts a string to all lowercase characters:

Python String join() Method

Joins an array of strings with the specified string.

Python String capitalize() Method

This function capitalizes the first character in a string. The character must be a letter a through z.

Python String casefold() Method

Converts all letters A through Z to lowercase.

Python String center() Method

Centers a string to fit in the specified width, with an optional fill character. If the string is longer than the specified width, the string is returned without being centered.

Python String count() Method

Returns the number of times a specific character or string appears in another string. The count function can take an optional start and end index into the string.

Python String encode() Method

Returns an encoded version of a string.

Python String endswith() Method

Returns true if the string ends with the specified character or substring. The comparison is case-sensitive.

Python String expandtabs() Method

Replaces tab characters in a string with the specified number of whitespaces.

Python String find() Method

Searches the string for a specified value and returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified substring. Optional start and end indices can also be specified.

Python String format() Method

The format method formats the specified values and inserts them inside the string's placeholder. The format method requires comma delimited parameters specifying the placeholder name and the placeholder's value.

Python String ljust() Method

Returns a left-justified version of the string with the specified width and fill character.

Python String format_map() Method

The format_map formats a string by taking a dictionary of key-value pairs that define the placeholder names and their values, and replacing the placeholders in a string with the values.

Python String isalnum() Method

Returns True if all the characters in the string are alphanumeric. This would be a-z, A-Z, and 0-9. Punctuation, spaces, symbols, and other characters are not considered a letter or a number.

Python String isalpha() Method

Returns True if all the characters in the string are alphabetic. This would be a-z or A-Z.

Python String isdecimal() Method

Returns True if all characters in the string are decimals, which includes decimal characters in various languages and Unicode characters that are digits.

Python String isdigit() Method

Returns True if all characters in the string are digits. This includes superscript / subscript digits and digits in other languages.

Python String isidentifier() Method

Returns True if the string is considered to be an identifier. An identifier can only contain the lowercase letters a-z, A-Z, digits 0-9, and underscores.

Python String islower() Method

Returns True if all characters in the string are lowercase. Symbols and numbers are ignored.

Python String isnumeric() Method

Returns True if all characters in the string are digits. This includes superscript / subscript digits, fraction characters and digits in other languages.

Python String isprintable() Method

Returns True if the all characters in a string are printable. Examples of non-printable characters are carriage return, line feed, and tab.

Python String isspace() Method

Returns True if all characters in the string are whitespace. Tabs, carriage returns and line feeds are considered to be whitespace.

Python String istitle() Method

Returns True if the string is considered a title. A title is where all words begin with an uppercase letter and the rest of the characters in the word are lowercase. Symbols and numbers are ignored.

Python String isupper() Method

Returns true if all characters in the string are uppercase. Symbols and numbers are ignored.

Python String index() Method

Returns the index of the first matching substring within the given string. If the index is not found, Python throws a ValueError exception.